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TI Communication

Why Embark on an Inner Journey? Companies are fictional constructs; people are real. Companies exist on paper, people in the physical world. A company’s health depends directly on the physical and mental health of the people who make up the company. A good company is one that delivers results first and foremost for its team, for the environment, for the energy of society and the world… and, yes, for the shareholders as well. And meditation is what gets us there.

TI Communications Prior to Meditation (2004 – 2014):
A stressed out, unmotivated CEO who wanted nothing more than to throw in the towel and hide away in some remote corner of the world
A company with a solid bottom line but no sense of purpose
A 3-person team

TI Communications After Embracing Meditation (2014 to date):
A CEO and team who are motivated and sense their work has purpose
Excellent, fluid and people-centric workplace dynamics
An 11-person team
A 600% increase in sales
A new division – TI Transformations – that brings humanity and purpose to other companies and individuals
The first company in Brazil to officially teach Ishaya Meditation – The Bright Path.

To learn more about Ishaya Meditation, go to: www.thebrightpath.com


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